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Green Tea and Radiation

green tea radiation


Many customers concerns about the radiation in Japanese food products, should you worry about the radiation in our tea products? The shorts answer is No.


  • All our green tea and matcha products are produced from tea leaf grown very far from Fukushima area. Especially our matcha products from Nishio and Uji, there is no radiation detected in tea leaf in Nishio and Uji area even during the radiation leakage event at 2011.
  • As of August 2014, there is no prefecture has detected with high radiation level in tea leaf.
  • On March 2014, The EU reported that, “ tea from the third growing season has not been found to be contaminated by radioactivity. It is therefore appropriate to no longer require sampling and analysis of tea, originating from prefectures other than Fukushima, before export to the Union.”
  • Singapore AVA declare that food from Japan is safe. On 31 May 2014, AVA Singapore eased import restrictions by removing the need for pre-export test certificates for Japanese tea products. 
  • All our products has gone through a valid import process, with Certificate of Origin and import permit from AVA.
  • Green tea when brew in water, the level of radiation is diluted to 1/30 times according to Minitry of Agricultural of Japan.